Contemplative practices, like meditation and lectio divina tend to be solitary experiences, that we believe should not always be done alone. For participating with others enriches the experience for all of us. We benefit from one another’s companionship.
After a twenty-minute period of silent meditation, a short excerpt from a sacred text will be prayerfully read three times. This ancient practice of lectio divina, also known as divine reading, allows the words of the text to speak directly to our experience today. A period of holy sharing will conclude our time together in the chapel.
Daily chapel readings will be taken from Christian scripture, poetry and the texts of other wisdom traditions. We are currently using Thomas Keating’s Daily Reader for Contemplative Living.
Contemplation is communication/communion with the Divine Presence that makes minimal use of words, images and concepts or dispenses with them altogether. Meditation and lectio divina are common contemplative practices. We are not prescribing any meditation method only inviting you to be prayerfully silent with us in our collective desire to enter into a more conscious awareness and communion with Divine Presence.
Our chapel time begins with a period of meditation after which we will transition to lectio divina and holy sharing. If your schedule does not allow for you to participate in the full hour, please feel free to join us for meditation period only. Although we believe community strengthens the more regularly we practice together, you are most welcome to join us as your schedule and desire allows.
The approach to prayer taught by Contemplative Outreach is explained here.
The approach to meditation taught by World Community of Christian Meditation is explained here.
The practice of lectio divina is explained by Becky Eldredge on the Loyola Press website here.